Please contact us to discuss specific pieces of work where you can benefit from our 35+ years experience in the care and supported housing and healthcare sectors.
Review of policies and procedures:
- Safeguarding Adults from Abuse
- Safeguarding Children from Abuse
- Whistleblowing
- Duty of Candour
- Mental Capacity Act (including paperwork to record essential information, assessments of capacity and best interest decisions)
- Liberty Protection (DoLS or LPS)
When reviewing your policies and procedures I use the track changes tool within Word and highlight which changes are required to ensure compliance with current legislation and which are recommended to follow current models of good practice.
Consultancy & Facilitation of Away Days
Previous experience includes:
- Working with a County Council to radically change their support for whistleblowers. This included reviewing their policy and procedure, introducing and training whistleblowing buddies/champions to support future whistleblowers and delivering training for all staff in care & support roles. As a result, staff genuinely felt supported and the number of concerns raised doubled as a result.
- Enabling an organisation in crisis to consider crucial risks to the business in the light of their original mission, core values and vision. This allowed them to focus on viable courses of action for the future.
- Meeting with Local Authority tenants to offer advice on the key features of good practice they should expect to see in the Authority’s policies and procedures on Safeguarding of Adults at risk of abuse, Safeguarding Children and Needs & Risk Assessment and Support Planning. This project allowed tenants to have meaningful input into continuous improvement programmes.