Faiers Training hold open courses via Zoom where individual delegates can book places. The fees include handouts and certificates. Herts Care Providers Association (HCPA) members can claim funding towards the cost of our open courses.

Open course programme via ZOOM 2024

Level 4 Mental Capacity Act training (including DoLS) for Managers, Team Leaders and Senior Staff. – One day course split over split over the mornings of Tuesday 22nd & Thursday 24th October 2024 – More information via link below
Click here for promotional literature on the above course.

Level 2 Safeguarding Adults from Abuse training suitable for staff in all settings – Half day course on the morning of Wednesday 6th November 2024 – More information via link below
Click here for promotional literature on the above course.

Level 4 Safeguarding Adults from Abuse training for Managers, Team Leaders, Safeguarding Leads and “Freedom to Speak Up” staff. – One day course split over split over the mornings of Tuesday 19th & Thursday 21st November 2024 – More information via link below
Click here for promotional literature on the above course.