Available Courses

Faiers Training offers in house training tailored to meet the needs of your organisation and held at your venue. Our courses are listed below. All courses can be delivered face to face. Where we also currently offer Zoom versions this is indicated. For more detailed information about each course click on the “In House” Courses button on the Home page.

Faiers Training also holds a number of open courses via Zoom each year where individual delegates are able to book places. For details of open courses currently available click the “Open Courses” button on the Home Page.

COURSE TITLEOne DayHalf DayAlso available via Zoom
Safeguarding Adults from AbuseYESYESYES
Safeguarding for ManagersYES YES
Safeguarding Governance Duties for Trustees YESYES
Safeguarding Children from AbuseYESYESYES
Whistleblowing YESYES
Whistleblowing and Duty of Candour YESYES
Becoming a Whistleblowing Buddy/Champion YESYES
WRAP – Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent YES 
Professional BoundariesYES  
Professional Boundaries (Zoom only version) YESYES
Mental Capacity Act (MCA)YESYESYES
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) YESYES
Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) YESYES
MCA for managersYES YES
Autism – introductory courseYES YES
Autism – various advanced coursesYES YES
Managing Aggressive and Challenging BehaviourYES YES
Needs & Risk Assessment and Support PlanningYES  
Effective Complaints ManagementYES  
Learning Disability AwarenessYES  
Effective Complaints ManagementYES  
Managing StressYES  
Emergency First Aid YES 
Numerous I.T. Courses (Ask for details)YESYESYES