All the courses below can be delivered at your premises. Where indicated they are also available via Zoom
Safeguarding Adults from Abuse (Also available on Zoom)
We offer a variety of one day and half day courses relevant for those working with adults at risk of abuse in any care or support setting. The training refers to relevant legislation and reflects current best practice. We do not believe in delivering off the shelf courses on safeguarding so refer to key elements within your own abuse, whistleblowing and professional boundaries policies as well as covering local safeguarding contacts. Advanced courses, W.R.A.P. training and train the trainer packages are also available. Certificates are mapped to the awards at Levels 2 & 3.
Click here for promotional literature on these courses including details on course content.
Level 4 Safeguarding Adults from Abuse for Managers (Also available on Zoom)
This one day course is designed for managers, team leaders, safeguarding leads and freedom to speak up staff working with adults at risk of abuse in any care or support setting. Certificates are mapped to the awards at Level 4.
Click here for promotional literature on this course.
Safeguarding Governance Duties for Trustees (Also available on Zoom)
This half day course which can be delivered during the day or in evenings is designed for Boards and Senior Staff who service Boards. Rather than being a general awareness raising session, this course concentrates on meeting safeguarding governance responsibilities.
Click here for promotional literature on this course.
Safeguarding Children from Abuse (Also available on Zoom)
We offer one day and half day courses relevant for those working with children and young people in any setting. The training refers to relevant legislation and reflects current best practice. We do not believe in delivering off the shelf courses on safeguarding so refer to key elements within your own abuse, whistleblowing and professional boundaries policies as well as covering local safeguarding contacts.
Click here for promotional literature on this course.
Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 (Also available on Zoom)
We offer a variety of one day and half day courses. Training on the Act is essential for everyone working with adults with care and support needs aged 16+. Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) can also be included where desired. Specialist training is also available for children’s teams where all but 4 of the provisions within the MCA apply to 16 & 17 year olds and in addition 2 provisions apply to those under 16. Current progress on introducing Liberty Protection Safeguards can also be covered.
Click here for promotional literature on these courses.
Level 4 Mental Capacity Act for Managers (Also available on Zoom)
Our one day courses for managers, team leaders & other senior staff provide essential information on the Act & subsequent developments. Time is spent taking an in depth look at the practical side of assessing capacity and making best interests decisions and crucial questions to ask post Cheshire West in looking at DoLS in both care and domestic settings. Current progress on introducing Liberty Protection Safeguards is also covered.
Click here for promotional literature on this course.
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and/or Liberty Protection Safeguards (Also available on Zoom)
A variety of courses are offered to staff working in either or both care homes/hospitals and domestic settings. Full account is taken of the changes introduced by the Supreme Court’s Cheshire West judgement in March 2014 & subsequent case law. Participants leave with a good understanding of local arrangements in respect of applying for Deprivation of Liberty via the relevant supervisory body and/or using the COPDOL11 form for domestic settings. Current progress on introducing Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) is covered. Training just on the LPS scheme is also available.
Click here for promotional literature on this course.
Professional Boundaries (Half day version available on Zoom)
This one day course starts with staff coming to an understanding of the power gap that can exist between themselves and a vulnerable client and the care that is therefore needed when communicating with clients and providing support. Using this understanding developed during the morning session we spend the afternoon exploring specific areas where staff frequently need a clear understanding of appropriate professional boundaries. A good framework is provided both for those areas where guidance should be black and white and for other situations that staff may find themselves in where they have no specific guidance but general principles, key questions and asking for advice can ensure staff stay safe and act in a caring and professional manner at all times. A half day version is offered via Zoom.
Click here for promotional literature on this course.
Understanding and Supporting People on the Autism Spectrum (Also available on Zoom)
We offer a variety of one day and half day courses aimed at both staff working in care and support settings and generic services. All advanced courses are designed and delivered by Richard, author of “I dream in Autism”. Richard was diagnosed with Autism in early adult life. Richard has spent 30 years working with Learning Disabilities and Autism, thus combining a long professional track record with living every day on the Autism spectrum. Richard provides a unique view from both sides of the fence. The introductory course also covers key elements from the Oliver McGowan mandatory programme.
Click here for promotional literature on these courses.
Managing Aggressive and Challenging Behaviour (Also available on Zoom)
This course is essentially practical and starts from the premise that the best way of managing an aggressive incident is to not have one. Understanding common triggers for aggressive and challenging behaviour and the importance of listening, showing empathy and using open, honest clear speech can assist workers to minimise the risks associated with managing challenging situations. The course also looks at a number of models that have helped staff to remain safe and at the same time assist clients to deal with circumstances that cause them anxiety.
Click here for promotional literature on this course.
Needs & Risk Assessment and Support Planning (Person Centred Support)
Our one day course is designed for managers and front line staff working with adults or young people with care and support needs. The training refers to relevant legislation and reflects current best practice. We do not believe in delivering off the shelf courses on this topic, so refer to key elements within your own policies and paperwork.
Click here for promotional literature on these courses.
Effective Complaints Management
Our one day course considers the benefits of welcoming complaints; learning culture v blame culture; how to make the complaints process accessible to vulnerable clients; what should and shouldn’t be considered; dealing with repetitious and vexatious complainants and best practice in respect of the who, when & how in responding to complaints at each stage of a written procedure. Whilst the morning will reinforce any policies and procedures already in place the afternoon covers six practical steps to ensure each specific complaint is handled effectively.
Click here for promotional literature on this course.
Stress Management
Our one day courses consider the guidance set out in the Management Standards published by the HSE for managing stress in the workplace but is essentially practical. Participants develop an understanding of the differences between pressure and stress, the problems associated with stress, how to identify what causes stress for the individual and practical steps that can be taken to manage it. A second version of this course designed for managers explores line management & organisational responsibilities in addition to personal stress experienced by those in management roles.
Click here for promotional literature on these courses.
Understanding and Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities
Our one day course is aimed both at staff working in learning disability services or staff working in generic services where some clients have a learning disability. The course will explain what learning disability means, explore some common conditions and their impact on a person’s life and consider the right approach to communicating and working with clients. The course also looks at different models of care and support.
Click here for promotional literature on this course.
Whistleblowing and/or Duty of Candour
We offer a range of half day courses designed to enhance your organisation’s safeguarding agenda and commitment to having an open culture. We also provide a four hour training package to empower people within your organisation to become whistleblowing buddies/champions. The training refers to relevant legislation and reflects current best practice. We do not believe in delivering off the shelf courses on these topics so refer to key elements within your own whistleblowing and duty of candour policies as well as covering local safeguarding contacts and agencies providing confidential legal advice and support to whistleblowers.
Click here for promotional literature on these courses.
Emergency First Aid
We offer a half day course. An additional 30 minutes can be added to the programme where you wish the trainer to include use of your defibrillator. Our two trainers (one based in Hertfordshire and one in London) have decades of experience in the industry and are highly regarded as trainers.
Click here for promotional literature on this course.
Our associate trainer, Trevor has been training on I.T. since 2000 with a previous background in the industry. Trevor offers a range of courses (1-3 days in duration) covering numerous topics Please ask for details.